Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day one or whatever

Last night I ate so much that I could hardly bend over to pick up something I dropped on the floor. That was after my wife had read out a very moving front page article from the newspaper. It made me want to cry because it sowed man's ability to become so desensitised that another person becomes nothing more than a "thing". Something to be done with as one wishes and who cares. Anyone interested can find it here
My son was home on leave from the army where he is a platoon sergeant and we had a discussion about the treatment of prisoners and the civilian populatioin. He is a good kid and knows right from wrong as long as he is not put in some untenable position he will do the right thing.
Went to bed and decided that I am going to stop stuffing everything that moves into my mouth. I also decided that I must move my body in order not to "lose it". I keep telling myself I am a food addict and I am committing suicide by food. Does not seem to help but here I am at 57 and NOW is the time to live it baby not when I am 6 feet under (well as far as I know). Well today is the first day of the rest of it so let's hope or should I say mind over mouth will prevail. Enough of this now will write tomorrow I hope. I have promised to make my will into a thing that even Superman would not be able to break. Let's see how long it takes to turn to jelly.
mouth closed north and south. I can do it and will (meoow)